Epoxy Vs Polyurethane PCB Coating

November 23, 2021


When it comes to PCB coatings, Epoxy and Polyurethane are the two most commonly used coatings. Both coatings protect PCBs from harsh environmental conditions, moisture, dust, and dirt, but which one is superior? That's what we'll be discussing in this post.

Before we jump into the comparison, let's take a moment to understand what Epoxy and Polyurethane coatings are.

What is Epoxy Coating?

Epoxy coatings are made up of two components, epoxy resin, and hardeners. The combination of these two components creates a tough, durable, and long-lasting coating.

What is Polyurethane Coating?

Polyurethane coatings, on the other hand, are made up of isocyanate and polyol resins. The combination of these two components creates a flexible and abrasion-resistant coating.

Now that we understand what Epoxy and Polyurethane coatings are let's go ahead and compare them.


We'll be comparing both coatings based on the following factors:

  • Chemical consistency
  • Environmental stability
  • Heat Resistance
  • Impact resistance
  • Cost

Chemical Consistency

When it comes to chemical consistency, both coatings have their advantages and disadvantages. Epoxy coatings are resistant to chemical agents, including solvents, acids, and bases. However, epoxy coatings tend to yellow over time and have a lower UV resistance. Polyurethane coatings, on the other hand, are more resistant to UV radiation and do not yellow over time, but they are less resistant to chemical agents.

Environmental Stability

Both coatings offer excellent protection against environmental factors such as moisture, dirt, dust, and debris. However, Epoxy coatings are more stable in humid environments, while Polyurethane coatings perform better in dry environments.

Heat Resistance

When it comes to heat resistance, both coatings can withstand high temperatures. However, Epoxy coatings perform better at higher temperatures, up to 150°C. Polyurethane coatings, on the other hand, perform well at lower temperatures, up to 80°C.

Impact Resistance

Both coatings offer excellent impact resistance, but Epoxy coatings are more rigid and offer better protection against high impact forces. Polyurethane coatings are more flexible and can absorb shock better than Epoxy coatings.


The cost of both coatings varies based on the application method and the product quality. However, as a general rule, Polyurethane coatings are less expensive than Epoxy coatings.


Both coatings have their advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the right coating depends on the specific needs of the project. If resistance against chemical agents is critical, Epoxy is the best option. If environmental stability and UV resistance are crucial, Polyurethane is the best option. If high-temperature resistance is required, Epoxy is the way to go, whereas if flexibility and shock absorption are more important, Polyurethane is the best option.

In conclusion, it's crucial to analyze the specific requirements of each project to choose the coating that offers the best protection and performance.


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